tirsdag 14. juli 2009

Transformers 2

Tonight I will dedicate this entire post to the movie Transformers 2 which I just recently saw earlier tonight in the cinema with a friend. I just have to say, if you haven't seen it yet, you really should, the movie itself is so horrible it's actually funny, I don't know where to start. I'll be spoiling alot in this post, you have been warned!

Usually I have low expectations towards sequels, the only sequel I'm looking forward to at the moment is Ironman 2 which may turn out to be good, but I won't dare to hope for much. However, it looks like they didn't even TRY to make Transformers 2 good, it is simply so horrible and so ridiculous in so many ways that I just had to learn to laugh after a while.

Now I don't know if you liked the first Transformers movie, but being a kid who grew up with the cartoon I was bound to like it, especially being the Optimus Prime fanboy that I am (come on, who wasn't at the time?). Besides I really think it was a great movie. This sequel had great potential, but it just decided to run it into the dirt, it started off kinda original, but then it just got more and more predictable deeper in and soon it got to the point where me and my friend could basically guess what was going to happen next with great probability of success.

Anyway, let's start writing the list of fail!

1: Usually Hollywood movies have a comic relief playing in them, personaly I don't understand why every god damn movie needs to have one since they are rarely funny and just dumbs down the entire movie and makes it more child friendly, this movie however had five of them, (seven if you count the parents, but I actually like them). I don't know why they decided to bring those horrible twin robots into the scripts with their "fo shizzle" language and constantly dry jokes, or that stupid idiot kid who I don't even remember the name of who constantly follows the main characters around whining that he doesn't want to be there (why can't he just leave?).

2: The Megatron rape scene, oh yes you heard me, Megatron basically tried to rape the main character, and I'm not kidding when I say this is a direct quote "It feels good touching your flesh". This scene just completely freaked me out, seeing Megatron pleasing himself by running his metal tentacles into Sam's brain and nose while obviously enjoying the heck out of it, I swear there's probably porn of it on the Internet already. I learned to laugh at it later on though, it just took some time.

3: Right in the middle of the final fighting scene between the autobots/humans and the decepticons, the entire thing was suddenly interrupted by a scene of Megan Fox running in slow-motion with her boobs bouncing up and down baywatch style. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against this, in fact it made the movie alot more enjoyable, but placing it in the middle of the final epic battle just made it extremely comical.

4: Lack of logic! Why on earth did they send a horribly slow and clumsy decepticon to climb on top of the pyramid and fire the weapon of doom that was supposed to destroy the world? Couldn't they just get Starcream to do it since he can transform into a freaking airplane? No they just had to let the slow one do it so that the humans had plenty of time to retaliate. And I also think its tragic how much worse the enemy robots have gotten at killing humans, child friendly much?

The movie had it's good points too of course and I don't regret watching it. The fight scenes are still as good if not better then in the first movie and if you like lots of explosions and stuff you'll probably have a good time watching it. And if you thought Megan Fox was sexy in the first movie you're gonna love her in this one. It is a bit funny to see how many scenes they actually have of her when she doesn't say or do a thing, just a nice close-up every now on then to remind you that she is still there. I actually don't think she did a single thing during the entire movie to change the plot.

Now I said I was going to dedicate this entire post to the movie, but I lied, I suddenly felt like talking about other things.

Finally I have two days of vacation from work, my boss actually did try to drag me into a big important meeting tomorrow even though its my day off, but I refused as politely as I could. I've been working for eleven damn days straight and I sure as hell ain't gonna show up one more day before I had some relaxation. It's gonna be funny to see how much money I've earned though, I'll get it somewhere around the 20'th and I expect a large nice sum.

My parents left the house and I'm all alone, I wonder if I'm gonna turn this place upside down or just relax alone in peace and quiet, I'm not sure what it will be, but I think it will be number two, I am simply too tired to do anything rash.

Now I think it is time to hit the bed.

søndag 12. juli 2009

The worst day at work ever

Today I ended up hating my job a little more then usual, though I must admit that having much to do actually makes the hours fly by quicker as opposed to sitting on a bench reading and eating ice cream while pretending to work, but at least that's more relaxing.

It all started when three fully loaded boats with people arrived after each other, tons of crying babies, whiny children and old people who just loves to ask hundreds of questions about second world war (which is fine really, but shouldn't they be knowing at least something about it seeing as they practically grew up or lived during it?). It got chaotic pretty quickly and just being two people at work we had no chance to please everyone even though we did our best.

The worst part of the day was ten minutes before the ferry back to the mainland was supposed to leave when I remembered I had forgotten to lock the museum which is practically on the other side of the bloody island, so I ran as fast as I could under the burning sun and made it just in time. One thing that I noticed however is that people are extremely stupid (more then usual). When you see a person at work practically sprinting like he was chased by a thousand raging bulls, do you think it's okay to try and stop him to ask silly questions? Obviously the people on the island must have thought that I was running just for fun because some of them even tried to block my path. I tried being as polite as I could, but I think I offended a few of them in the attempt, the thought of waiting another hour for the next boat was not a pleasant one.

After work I played some good, classic games with a few friends, first Axis and Allies followed by Munchkin, a nice way to spend the evening.

Tomorrow I got work, only two more days and I'm done with this hellish period of eleven days straight without a single day off, at least my vacation is closing in and I intend to spend it well (even though it's just four lousy days).

Now I'm just going to goof around, probably not doing anything productive for the rest of the evening.

lørdag 11. juli 2009

After a long walk in the forest...

I live in a place called Ås, it is a dull and boring place to live in because it mainly consists of farms, woods, roads and some buildings here and there, but it's extremely beautiful, especially during the summer. There's many deep forests to walk in and the summer nights here are breathtaking if you know the right places to go to. Among the trees and grassy plains I suddenly find myself in a big personal conflict, I've lived nearly all my life in this place and I've actually fallen in love with it somehow, but at the same time I am afraid to get stuck here. All my friends who have taken up studies are starting to leave slowly one by one, some are going to Oslo which is not really far away (about 30 minutes if you drive a car), but many of them are going to faraway places such as Trondheim which is... a little further. After the summer I will have to say goodbye to a very special girl who lives here who usually accompanies me on these trips and I think it's going to be much harder then I realize.

So where am I going? I have no idea, I have absolutely no clue what I want to be, what I want to do or where I want to do it. Sure there are many things that peaks my interest, but something I am going to do for the rest of my life? I'm nowhere close to that. People always tell me that I will find out one day, and of course I believe that, I'm still young and there's no real hurry, but it's very sad to see all my friends finding their special purpose in life and slowly starting to leave in different directions one by one.

This summer is one of the last summers I will see many of my friends together here in Ås and in some places nearby. To me the summer is the best time of the year, nothing else even comes close, so why on earth did I decide to take this job that forces me to spend most of the vacation working? Of course I'll end up with a shitload of money and it's a darn good job which I love very much (I'm working as a guide on an island, sort of), but is money really worth sacrificing the best time of the year for? I mean, of course I need money, who doesn't? But I still can't stop regretting this decision. I know I can do stuff after work, but the bad work times (usually from 12:00 to 18:00) means I won't get home before around 18:30-19:00, which really consumes most of the day.

Anyways, I've been incredibly pessimistic up until now, but believe it or not I'm not particularly sad or gloomy this evening, in fact I'm quite happy since I have just returned from a nice, long walk in the nearby forest. I finally explored that mystical road I've been wondering so much about, and to my big disappointment it just passed by a farm and down on another road where I've been before, can't expect more from Ås I guess, but nevertheless it was still an awesome trip and I'll be sleeping well tonight ^^

In case you wondered, the reason I'm not writing in Norwegian is because Norwegian sucks big time as a writing language, I just feel like I can't express myself at all without sounding like a total (even more then I am now) idiot. If you feel like leaving a comment in Norwegian however I will reply in Norwegian (as I already have) and likewise with English.

And if you're not getting the blogglust word pun, it's not really expected of you so just relax, if you get it you probably won't think its that funny anyway because it really isn't.

One thing I have to point out before finishing is one thing that annoys me (and you will find out that there's ALLOT of things that annoys me in this world) are people who have bad days and decide to unleash their terrible mood upon others. I won't mention names, but I wish that certain people could just keep their frustration to themselves. People are allowed to have bad days, but when I do have one of those terrible days where everything goes wrong I mainly try to avoid other people or at least talk to someone about it in a polite manner, bitching on the internet helps too, just don't push your terrible mood over on others!

It's getting late and I have work early tomorrow (my brilliant boss decided to increase the work hours in the weekends), I think it's time to say goodnight, but I probably will be hanging around on msn, facebook and my forums for at least one more hour before I manage to turn of my computer.


The first thing I noticed when starting up this blogg is that the word "blogg" in the blogg's own spelling check doesn't exist and it labels it as a spelling error, impressive...


Pigs are flying, the sky is falling, the dead walks the earth, God exists and I am crazy, thus were my conditions for ever starting to write a blogg. Looking out the window I see that few or none of these have actually come true (maybe except for the me being crazy part), but still I find myself creating a brand new account on this page. Why? Heavens knows, I think I just really need to get my thoughts down on paper, but simply writing them down and tossing the paper away seems like such a waste of time, but then again I do really waste my time allot so why don't give it a try? Since my handwriting sucks however I thought about trying a blogg.

I've always been a person with allot on my mind, and over the past few years the thoughts circulating around in my head haven't actually decreased so to say. When I noticed I started talking to myself whenever I found myself alone either driving to work, sitting in my room or taking a shower I knew things had gotten out of hand and that I really needed a place to get my opinions out, so here goes!

My name is Magnus, I'm 20 years old and I'm a lazy moron, I love doing absolutely nothing even though I have a ton of things that interests me which I will not mention right away, you will probably start figuring out what they are by reading this blogg. At this moment I actually think that's the best introduction I can give you, but if you're still reading this then that must mean I have been doing something right.

Now I'm going to tale a long walk in the nearby woods with a good friend (see, that's one of my interests), I'll probably write something later tonight.