lørdag 11. juli 2009


The first thing I noticed when starting up this blogg is that the word "blogg" in the blogg's own spelling check doesn't exist and it labels it as a spelling error, impressive...


Pigs are flying, the sky is falling, the dead walks the earth, God exists and I am crazy, thus were my conditions for ever starting to write a blogg. Looking out the window I see that few or none of these have actually come true (maybe except for the me being crazy part), but still I find myself creating a brand new account on this page. Why? Heavens knows, I think I just really need to get my thoughts down on paper, but simply writing them down and tossing the paper away seems like such a waste of time, but then again I do really waste my time allot so why don't give it a try? Since my handwriting sucks however I thought about trying a blogg.

I've always been a person with allot on my mind, and over the past few years the thoughts circulating around in my head haven't actually decreased so to say. When I noticed I started talking to myself whenever I found myself alone either driving to work, sitting in my room or taking a shower I knew things had gotten out of hand and that I really needed a place to get my opinions out, so here goes!

My name is Magnus, I'm 20 years old and I'm a lazy moron, I love doing absolutely nothing even though I have a ton of things that interests me which I will not mention right away, you will probably start figuring out what they are by reading this blogg. At this moment I actually think that's the best introduction I can give you, but if you're still reading this then that must mean I have been doing something right.

Now I'm going to tale a long walk in the nearby woods with a good friend (see, that's one of my interests), I'll probably write something later tonight.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Mulig logisk løsning: at "blogg" egentlig staves blog for real english:P Og at norsk ikke er veldig ekslusivt inkludert i alles ordforåd:o (merkelige greier)

  2. Så klart, at jeg ikke tenkte på det xD
